驚喜價😍Whisky Bible : 97分👍Amrut Fusion🔥 雅沐特Fusion融合單一純麥威士忌, Alc. 50% - 700ml

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😍Whisky Bible : 97分 👍Whisky Bible : 2010 - 3rd Best Whisky in the World 🔥 Amrut Fusion Single Malt Indian Whisky - Alc. 50% 雅沐特Fusion融合單一純麥威士忌, Alc. 50%, 700ml Amrut不僅有著類似日本線香的風味,也有著蘇格蘭威士忌的厚實酒體, 全系列不經冷凝、不添加焦糖,更為全世界酒饕帶來一般新興風味。 🔥優惠價$420/支 (選購任何三支或以上) 🔥優惠價$425/支 (選購任何兩支) 🔥單支$435 🔴現貨🔥數量有限🙌🙌售完即止 😊 麻煩發問前 / 出價前 🙌 請先閱讀購買詳情 (最後兩頁附圖) Whisky Bible : 97分 Whisky Bible : 2010 - 3rd Best Whisky in the World 🔴香氣 : 豐厚深刻的橡木桶氣息、引人入勝的麥芽香甜;淡淡煙燻氣息隱現,整體風味醇厚而誘人 🔴口感 : 強烈豐厚的煙燻與飽滿的泥煤氣息,些許雪莉風味;卡士達、香草知甜美引出源源不絕的麥芽與果香;巧克力軟糖的香氣於味蕾湧現 🔴尾韻 : 泡芙輕柔口感伴隨些許泥煤、木桶乾爽氣息,絲毫不違和,蜜糖的甜美帶來令人滿足的餘味,多種香料的芬芳,活潑地跳耀於舌尖,將尾韻提升至完美 Nose : Fresh and tinned fruit – peaches, mangos, apricots, plus spicy cinnamon and clove, joined by aromas or Earl Grey tea and just a touch of smoke and sea spray. Palate : A real hit of fresh fruit and citrus-orange notes, with black pepper and cinnamon adding a zingy layer of spice. Rich and refreshing; absolutely delicious. Finish : The spice and fruit linger for a long time.

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