😍100% Sherry Matured 原酒🥃55.8%👍 Arran Bodega Sherry Cask - Alc. 55.8% / 艾倫 The Bodega 雪莉桶原酒威士忌 - 700ml

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55.8% 👍100% Sherry Matured 原酒😍 Arran Bodega Sherry Cask - Alc. 55.8% 艾倫 The Bodega 雪莉桶原酒威士忌 - 700ml 🔥優惠價$515/支 (選購任何三支或以上) 🔥優惠價$520/支 (選購任何兩支) 🔥單支$530 🔴現貨🔥數量有限🙌🙌售完即止 😊 麻煩發問前 / 出價前 🙌 請先閱讀購買詳情 (最後兩頁附圖) 💫以最快能完成交收者優先😊 這原酒桶強度為 55.8%, 用100%的雪利酒桶熟成的單一麥芽威士忌, 在威士忌行業中用最優質的酒桶中成熟,既豪華又優雅, 並帶有層層豐富的甜香料和橡木。 Arran 蒸餾大師與西班牙赫雷斯一些最負盛名的雪利酒酒窖的生產商合作,挑選出最寶貴的優質酒桶來熟成。 🔴 香氣 : 橙色巧克力,聖誕香料,大量乾果和烤橡木。 🔴 口感 : 充滿多汁雪利酒的味道,蘸上巧克力,櫻桃,葡萄乾和一點焦糖。 🔴 餘韻 : 橡木香料,黑巧克力果仁糖和橡木炭 Sherry Cask 'The Bodega' is a stunning new addition to our core range of whiskies and is the perfect choice for someone who enjoys their Single Malt with plenty of body and complexity. Matured in some of the finest casks available to the whisky industry, this 😍cask strength 100% Sherry matured Single Malt is both luxurious and elegant with layers of rich sweet spice and oak. Our Master Distiller has worked with producers in some of the most prestigious Sherry Bodegas in Jerez, Spain to select only the best quality casks to be filled with our precious spirit.

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